Weekly Updates

Week 29

Good week, did lots of coding. I forgot to say it was my birthday on the last weekly update. I had a great party on sunday! Anyways, I finally got grease for my lead screws for my 3D printer. The last time I tried to order grease from amazon, it got stolen. It is here, and I am printing some cool stuff. Yay. Very Epic. I just wonder what I should print now!

Week 28

Back to school. So much catchup work. It's okay though because I did finish quite a bit. I found out that my last project for the movie DB was a tier one. I'm gonna look into that. Have been working on a bunch of other stuff. Like a mug. It says "Tears of my students" Aiden came up with it. We were planning to give it to a teacher for teachers week. As a joke though. But some may take it the wrong way, so I'm just gonna keep it.

Week 27

Mkay. It may not be my immune system. I went to the doctor's office on monday and I have a throat infection. Now I need to take some antibiotics. Idk if that's the best option because antibiotics do kill ALL the bacteria. That's why I'm going to take probiotics in adition. Pretty good week otherwise. Excited to not have a sour throat. Still working on my game. As well as building a voice database.

Week 26

Keep getting sick for some reason. I think it's because ever since the lockdown, my immune system may have gotton worse. It was used to not being exposed to being sick. The good news is that if that's what's happening, it probably shouldn't happen again next year or in the future.

Week 25

Very fun week, I forced my friend to talk for 15 minutes straight so I could get a copy of his voice, and now I have his AI voice. My VR game is going good, except for the fact that the unity editor's pakcage manager doesn't work. I've tried everything. Nothing seems to make it work. I am just hoping that unity releases their 2024 editor soon.

Week 24

Got my fever back on sunday. I think I went back to school a bit too early. I'm updating this on friday, and feel a lot better! :) I'm returning to C# after 2 years to make another VR game using Unity. Almost lost all of my assets, but realized I was on the wrong account. I'm really excited to make this game, because I finally found out how to get my XR rigs to work with steamVR as well as oculus's openXR runtime..

Week 23

Got really sick this week. Just came home and am editing this on friday. Very congested. Not really in the mood/condition to do that much other than homework right now. Hope to feel a bit better soon.

Week 22

I'm pretty excited to ski this weekend at Dodge Ridge. I have made my first full-fledged minecraft server moderation plugin using java. This is great progress! :) I have found out how to use Azure's cognitive speech to text services and text to speech services to have a conversation with AI. This is pretty cool.

Week 21

Am excited I have pretty soon, am making great progress with Java. I'm also starting to develop AI with python. - gpt's integration. My dad gave me $5 worth of tokens to develop with. I've played chess with AI Napoleon! :) I am starting to get used to 2nd period PE again. It's still really cold.

Week 20

This week, I've been working on this website, and also learning a new programming language - Java! I'm using Java to create minecraft plugins. I'm also teaching my friend. I've also been doing a lot of schoolwork recently. I've had 3 projects at the same time this week.

Week 19

Building this website! Not looking forward to the rainy Saturday and Sunday. I have a swim meet both days for a couple hours. Gonna be really cold. Hope I don't get a cold or fever! :D