Olav Sharma

Professional Nerd

Hi, I'm Olav. I'm quite a nerd. I'm from Norway & India. I enjoy game development with unity. C# is just so amazing! I do web design. I'm self-taught in C#. I know Python. I know how to build PCs. That's where it kind of all started anyways. I macro nitrotype with like 3 virtual machines. I like to hack too! This textbox is getting a bit long. I also want this as my description when somebody searches this up on google, SEO probably wouldn't like this much text though, so I'll keep it short. I run a store. I do a lot of 3D printing.                                         



Programming in general. I use it for everything. I use it for when I'm developing games with unity - C#, use it when I have no friends and need to train an ai to be my friend lol. jk haha For making websites as well. That's most of the tech stuff.


I'm on a swim team, and swim is another thing which intrests me. I'm trying to get a Far Western time and make it to the Olympics when I'm 18 years old.


I love to game, only with friends though. It's boring without them. I play things like Call of Duty, Minecraft, and Roblox with my younger brother.

Minecraft Servers

I love running a minecraft server, because of the things I can do in one. I can install plugins which can bring the base installation of the game to new heights. I make some myself too.

Game Development

I love game development, specifically VR game development because I can stretch the boundaries of life. I use unity's engine to make VR games. C# W

Favorite Places

Grand canyon

Grand Canyon - My favorite place to visit is the Grand canyon. It's really unreal just to see all the rock formations, and how far down everything is.